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Laser hair removal is an option for people who want to remove unwanted body hair. It is a painless, safe and permanent solution to the problem. There are many myths that surround laser hair removal that deter people from receiving this treatment or receiving it more than once if they have had a bad experience with the procedure. Here are four of the most frequently asked questions about laser hair removal. You’ll also find some helpful tips along the way, like what size laser is best for whom and how many treatments it will take to see results.
It’s not too hard to find the right information on laser hair removal. But you might encounter an obstacle when you’re looking to find out your options and compare them. We’re here to help you out with that!
What is Laser Hair Removal?
This involves a laser beam that is targeted onto a person’s body. The laser light burns the hair follicle from underneath, which prevents new hair from growing. This process is quick and much less painful than electrolysis. Furthermore, it doesn’t take long to see results.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
The laser device emits a beam of highly concentrated light that penetrates the hair follicle. The dark pigments in the hair are absorbed, which prevents the hairs from growing back.
Who is a Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
Anyone with coarse or dark hair that grows in a concentrated area is a candidate for laser hair removal. It doesn’t have to be an all over body part, just one section can be treated at a time.
Where Can I Get Laser Hair Removal Done?
Dr. Anju Mithel is one of the leading dermatologist in Andheri , Mumbai. We at Skin and shape provides you with best technologically advanced process of laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is available dermatologists offices, spas, and medical clinics. The costs of laser hair removal range by location and provider. Costs also depend on how many treatments you need (typically six or more), the area requiring treatment, and the type of laser used.
What to Expect from Laser Hair Removal?
After laser hair removal, some people may experience some redness or irritation. In rare cases, a person may have a blistering skin reaction. To prevent this from happening, the technician will apply a topical cream to the treated area before laser treatment.
Is Laser Treatment Safe?
Yes, laser treatments are completely safe. Lasers are used for many different medical purposes and the FDA has approved laser treatments for permanent hair removal. Many people with skin sensitivities or allergies can also receive laser treatments since there is no need to use lasers per se. The procedure simply involves using a hand-piece that emits an electromagnetic wave to disable the hair follicle cells permanently.
Side effect and risks vary depending on skin type, hair colour, treatment plan, and pre- and post-treatment maintenance. We take care of pre and post-treatment maintenance of the patients. And we suggest to take care of the skin with medications to ensure you don’t have and side effects after the treatment. The following are the most prevalent laser hair removal adverse effects:
- Skin Irritation – Laser hair removal can cause temporary discomfort, redness, and edema. Any signs and symptoms usually go away after a few hours.
- Changes in Pigments – The afflicted skin may darken or lighten as a result of laser hair removal. These modifications could be temporary or permanent. Those who do not avoid sun exposure before or after treatment, as well as those with darker skin, are most affected by skin whitening.
Laser hair removal can cause blistering, crusting, scarring, or other skin texture changes in rare cases. We take care with special care if you are facing any side effects regarding the hair removal treatment.
Due to the risk of severe eye injury, laser hair removal is not suggested for eyelids, brows, or adjacent areas.
Dr. Anju Methil is one of the experienced skin specialist in Andheri. We take care of patients going through hair removal treatments with special care. And with years of expertise in hair removal you will experience almost no side effects. Visit us today to get laser hair removal treatments.